My Initial Vision 🖼

If I could build a school right now ...

I would ...

  • find an incredible property that has outdoor space, a great location, and buy it
  • build a cutting-edge but uniquely local, traditional but futuristic, small building
  • write RESOURCEFULLY ADAPT on the walls
  • focus on kids PreK-12 to start and remove age-based grade levels
  • reset the curriculum to zero and thoughtfully add back the essentials
  • replace arbitrary grading scales with verified measures of mastery
  • ensure that every individual demonstrates 100% mastery of the truly necessary
  • remove all roadblocks to specialization, apprenticeship, and entrepreneurship
  • define success as the consistent output of resilient, curious, problem solvers
  • recruit the very best tutors - innovative, passionate, excellent people
  • keep administration lean and automate when at all possible
  • accept students from any walk of life so long as they are eager and ethical
  • insist that everyone in the engine has skin in the game
  • create a sustainable financial engine
  • limit government regulation while still operating legally and ethically
  • use technology to amplify learning, resourcefulness, and capability
  • elevate the role of in-person connections and communication
  • rapidly iterate using rapid feedback from all directions within the engine
  • promote independent thought, reject indoctrination, and uphold moral values
  • encourage genuine discourse over pandering and superficial virtue displays
  • reward authenticity, perseverance, and creation for anyone in the engine
  • encourage smiling and laughing
  • grow a priceless community
  • scale our improving model to create a compounding network of engines
  • shift the intellectual trajectory of our youth
  • shift the intellectual trajectory of their parents
  • change the trajectory of our country
  • change the trajectory of humanity
This is free write. No idea on specific execution yet. 🤠